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Kubuntu Installation Note

Because I frequently mess up my operating system, plus I am so bad at debugging Linux issues, I usually just resort to reinstallation. So to minimize the time wasted, I make this note....

set terminal shortcut

  • System Settings -> Shortcuts -> custom shortcut -> edit -> new ....
  • action is "konsole" (lowercase)

install chrome

  • Just do it

Set Chrome as default browser

  • update: the easy way: create a temporary html file, right click -> file extension setting -> change the priority

  • Beside the one in System Setting, run: xdg-mime default google-chrome.desktop text/html

  • Check ~/.config/mimeapps.list

install packages

  • vim
  • wget
  • curl
  • build-essential
  • git
  • zsh
  • exfat-fuse
  • exfat-utils
  • tmux
  • python3-pip
sudo apt install vim wget curl build-essential git zsh exfat-fuse exfat-utils tmux python3-pip


  • .profile
  • .tmux.conf
  • .vimrc

generate ssh key and deploy

ssh-keygen && ssh-copy-id
  • add ssh key to github

clone repo

  • Just do it

install vscode

  • extensions: material theme(dark), git lens

install chinese pinyin input method (fcitx + google-pinyin)

  • Install required packages
    sudo apt install fcitx-bin fcitx-config-gtk2 fcitx-frontend-qt4 fcitx-frontend-qt5 fcitx-googlepinyin fcitx-imlist fcitx-module-dbus
  • Edit /etc/enviroment


  • Edit ~/.xprofile

    export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
    export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
    export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"

  • In System Settings -> Regional Settings -> Language change some setting

  • Run im-config
  • In System Settings, add fcitx to start-up routine
  • Reboot
  • In fcitx's configuration panel, add google-pinyin
  • If you cannot toggle to traditional chinese, try ctrl+shift+F
  • If there is error when starting fcitx, it is possibly an ibus related issue
  • If fcitx still doesn't work, try run fcitx-diagnose

install mkdocs for this website

pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-macros-plugin pymdown-extensions

install oh-my-zsh

  • go to official page on github and follow its instructions

configure themes

  • Breeze, Breeze, Breeze...
  • google cursor