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Maximum Subarray Revisited

Problem Description

Yun-Nung (Vivian) Chen's website


  • Store the process of divide and conquer (just as segment tree)
  • In each node representing [L, R], store 4 things:

    1. lmx = \max\limits_{L \leq r \leq R} \sum_{i=L}^{r} A_i

    2. rmx = \max\limits_{L \leq \ell \leq R} \sum_{i = \ell}^{R} A_i

    3. ans = \max\limits_{L \leq \ell \leq r \leq R} \sum_{i = \ell}^{r} A_i

    4. sum = \sum_{i=L}^{R} A_i

  • The "merge" step is as the code.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define IOS {ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(nullptr);}

using namespace std;
using LL = int64_t;
using ULL = uint64_t;
using LD = long double;

inline int read_char();
inline int read_int(int &);
inline void write_int(LL);

constexpr int MAXN = 5e5+5;

struct Item {
    LL lmx, rmx, sum, ans;

int N, A[MAXN];
Item seg[4 * MAXN];

inline int lch(int v) { return (v << 1); }
inline int rch(int v) { return (v << 1) | 1; }

inline void combine(Item &v, Item &a, Item &b) {
    v.sum = a.sum + b.sum;
    v.lmx = max(a.lmx, a.sum + b.lmx);
    v.rmx = max(b.rmx, b.sum + a.rmx);
    v.ans = max(a.rmx + b.lmx, max(a.ans, b.ans));
void build(int v, int tl, int tr) {
    if ( tl == tr ) {
        seg[v] = {A[tl], A[tl], A[tl], A[tl]};
    } else {
        int tm = (tl + tr) >> 1;
        build(lch(v), tl, tm);
        build(rch(v), tm+1, tr);
        combine(seg[v], seg[lch(v)], seg[rch(v)]);
void pt_upd(int v, int tl, int tr, int pos, int new_v) {
    if ( tl == tr ) {
        seg[v] = {new_v, new_v, new_v, new_v};
    } else {
        int tm = (tl + tr) >> 1;
        if ( pos <= tm ) pt_upd(lch(v), tl, tm, pos, new_v);
        else pt_upd(rch(v), tm+1, tr, pos, new_v);
        combine(seg[v], seg[lch(v)], seg[rch(v)]);
inline LL qry() {
    return seg[1].ans < 0 ? 0 : seg[1].ans;

int main()
    int Q;
    read_int(N); read_int(Q);
    for ( int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
    build(1, 1, N);
    while ( Q-- ) {
        int pos, v; read_int(pos); read_int(v);
        pt_upd(1, 1, N, pos, v);
    return 0;

// input optimize
inline int read_char() {
    constexpr int N = 1<<20;
    static char buf[N];
    static char *p = buf, *end = buf;
    if ( p == end ) {
        if ( (end = buf + fread(buf, 1, N, stdin)) == buf ) return EOF;
        p = buf;
    return *p++;
inline int read_int(int &x) {
    static char c, neg;
    while ( (c = read_char()) < '-' )
        if ( c == EOF ) return 0;
    neg = (c == '-') ? -1 : 1;
    x = (neg == 1) ? c - '0' : 0;
    while ( (c = read_char()) >= '0' )
        x = (x<<3) + (x<<1) + (c-'0');
    x *= neg;
    return 1;
// output optimize
#define _pc putchar_unlocked
char _buf[128];
inline void write_int(LL x) {
    if ( !x ) { _pc('0'); _pc('\n'); return; }
    int t = 0;
    while ( x ) {
        _buf[t++] = x % 10 + '0';
        x /= 10;
    while ( t-- ) _pc(_buf[t]);
#undef _pc