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Prim's Algorithm

Implementation (with binary heap)

  • time complexity: O(E\,log\,E) = O(V^2\,log\,V) (which is more suitable for sparse graph)
  • As for O(V^2) implementation, just use array(random-access) and linear search to implement the min-heap
int prim()
    // initializing
    fill(min_w, min_w+N, INF);
    fill(used, used+N, false);

    // first: weight of edge, second: id of vertex
    using pii = pair<int, int>;
    // min heap
    priority_queue<pii, vector<pii>, greater<pii>> pq;
    pq.push( pii(0, SRC) );
    min_w[SRC] = 1;

    int tot = 0;
    int tree_size = 0;
    while ( tree_size < N ) {
        if ( pq.empty() )
            return NOT_CONNECTED;

        int v =;
        int w =;

        if ( min_w[v] != w )

        tot += w;
        used[v] = true;

        for ( pii edge : G[v] ) {
            int to = edge.second;
            int wei = edge.first;
            if ( !used[to] && wei < min_w[to] ) {
                pq.push( pii(wei, to) );
                min_w[to] = wei;

    return tot;